DANIEL KOFI APPIAH MINISTRIES “DKAM” is an Evangelistic and a Reconciliation Outreach Ministry (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-17; 2 Corinthians 5:18-19) commissioned with the divine mandate to Preach and Publish openly without compromise the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (The Good News of Forgiveness, Eternal Life, Truth, Hope, Faith, Love, Deliverance, Peace, Joy, Righteousness and Acceptance into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ our Savior, John 14:6) to every creature of the whole human race of the World; to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; to set at liberty all who are oppressed (Luke 4:18;), and to meet the downtrodden at the point of their needs (James 1:27).

Preaching the Gospel is God’s method of witnessing the blessed death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ to the world. It is the greatest business of the Kingdom, and the righteousness of Go commissioned to the Church. The Church is God’s mouth piece to announce His Salvation and Judgment to the world.

God loves every person and desires that none should perish (John 3:16). For this reason, He has given the Church power to be witness of His unfailing love and great compassion for all (Acts 1:8). In Luke 19:13, Jesus Christ said, “Occupy till He comes.” This is a divine delegation of Grace and Authority to the Church (All Believers) by Jesus Christ to discharge the responsibility of the Great
Commission and Reconciliation by reaching out to save those who do not know the Salvation of Jesus Christ with the Gospel.

Reconciliation is the driving Force of the Great Commission, Christ’s command the Church to make disciples of all nations. Soul winning and disciple making is the Church primary call and divine responsibility (Proverb 11:30; Matthew 28:19). Our part involves taking an active role in this mission through a commitment to reach out in love beyond our normal places of comfort. If God is not willing that any be lost, then we as His followers should not be willing to turn our backs on any, no matter how seemingly reproachful they may be.

And this is what Daniel Kofi Appiah Ministries is called to do: “TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD INTO THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF CHRIST JESUS, ” through the teaching preaching of the Gospel.