TPMI (HOGFAN) is the abbreviation name for Trinity Power Ministry International (House Of God For All Nations). TPMI (HOGFAN) IS AN APOSTOLIC AND A PROPHETIC-WORD AND POWER MINISTRY under Daniel Kofi Appiah Ministries built on the word of God which is Spirit, Life and Power to Salvation (John 6:63; Romans 1:16).

Trinity Power Ministry International (House of God for all Nations) was founded by the Lord Jesus Christ through His Servant Shepherd Daniel Kofi Appiah on the 11th June 2020 with a divine mandate to reveal Christ’s Kingdom, Power and Glory to all Nations, to set at liberty all people from the oppressions of the devil, and to restore people to their original God-designed destinies to the glory and praise of our Lord Jesus (Luke 4:18-19); by the preaching and teaching of the revelation of the Bible, effectual fervent prayer, worship in spirit and in truth, the manifestation of power and the reality of the Holy Spirit.

Trinity Power Ministry International (House Of God For All Nations) is a full Christ centered Gospel and Revival ministry devoted to Apostolic Signs and Wonders and the Prophetic with an in-depth revelation teachings of the Bible; true Worship, absolute Holiness, Truth, Love, and Discipline within and without; where the Salvation of the world is the greatest concern and business, and the condition for heaven is taught openly without compromise.

Trinity Power Ministry International (House of God for all Nations) exist to reach out for the lost at all cost with the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, and the Life of His Mercy and Grace (Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 4:15-16); to bring Light where there is darkness, Hope to the hopeless, and Life to the dying soul; and to make real God’s glorious presence, power and glory in healing and in deliverance. WE ARE GRACE LIFE FAMILY, WE ARE THE FAMILY OF GOD CALLED INTO THE FELLOWSHIP OF HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. WE ARE CALLED TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD INTO THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF CHRIST JESUS