Is The Humanitarian Love Out-Reach Of Daniel Kofi Appiah Ministries (DKAM)

Many lives are suffering distress physical, mental or emotional problems. They have been battered, bitter and broken by sin, sickness, disease, poverty, hunger, rejection, disappointment etc. Many homes have been tattered and torn apart by the chief enemy of mankind, Satan, “the devil”. Jesus Christ said: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” John 10:10. However, the desperate question seeking for an answer in the countenance of many rural slum dwellers is “DOES ANYONE CARE?” Some even go ahead to muse DOES GOD CARE? Yes! God Cares; but He certainly will do nothing unless He finds someone available to stand in the carb for mankind as a divine transporter of His Goodness and Mercy. This is what DANIEL KOFI APPIAH FOUNDATION (DKAF) is called for: To be a Channel for God to reach out to the downtrodden and the broken-hearted with His Mercy and Grace.

The mission of this Foundation is all about the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness (Matthew 6:33). The bearding of God is the bearding of Shepherd Daniel Kofi Appiah. And what concerns God concerns DANIEL KOFI APPIAH FOUNDATION. DKAF therefore seeks to express Christ’s mercy and compassionate heart and hand to the most vulnerable people and deprived communities, regions and countries of the world, both Christians and Non-Christian to help them lead purposeful, productive and peaceful lives in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. For Bible gives accounts of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who healed the sick, fed the hungry in His earthly life time ministry. He demonstrated pure and true love to the poor, the broken-hearted, and the sick in kind care and in cheerful deeds. And this is the mark of Righteousness commissioned to the Church to follow as believes without ceasing. “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble” (Psalm 41:1; Galatians 2:9-10).

Therefore as representatives for Jesus Christ, and ambassadors of Heaven in a needy world, we are called to demonstrate our New Life in God, that is, “THE GRACE LIFE”, to the world by our Love and concern for others. Every Christian is expected to be merciful. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7). We are called to feel empathy for all people; and to show a genuine practical compassionate love and kindness to them. Like Apostle James stated, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: To visit Orphans and Widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” James 1:27. This is a role that reflect the Fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22).


The Vision of Daniel Kofi Appiah Foundation (DKAF) is to be a dynamic agent of God and His Kingdom, leading in fulfilling the commission of Love, Soul winning and Disciple making. (Matthew 28:18). To transform the world into the Image and Likeness of Christ Jesus by the preaching of the Good News. To Partner with all believers to build and promote the Kingdom of God. For in unity lies the strength of the Church to build God’s Kingdom and to win many to Christ (Nehemiah 2:17).


The Mission of Daniel Kofi Appiah Foundation (DKAF) is all about the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness (Matthew 3:36). It reflects the divine teachings of the servant of God and seeks to benefit the most vulnerable people and communities in some of the poorest countries and regions of the world. The servant of God, Shepherd Daniel Kofi Appiah considers it a calling to meet not only the spiritual needs of people but also their physical needs. This was part of the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. He did not only preach, cast out devils and healed the sick, but also He fed the hungry, (Matthew 14:13-21). As followers of Jesus Christ, we come pre-set and pre-conditioned to Love without condition. We are grace life family, we are the family of God called into the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ. We are marinated in the love of God. Therefore our character and actions are love. (1 John 3:18; 1 John 4:7).


  • We reach the unreached with the message of salvation and restore hope to the hopeless and the downtrodden.
  • We encourage and motivate the discouraged, the depressed and the forsaken, and make them to know that they can achieve their purpose in life through the help of God.
  • We Minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the less privilege in the society.

DKAF is grouped into three (3) major care Ministries. These include:

Grace Life Zarephath

  • Prison Care
  • Windows Care
  • Disability Care
  • Orphanage Care
  • Retired Ministers of the Gospel Care


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