Trinity Power Ministry International (House of God for all Nations) is called to transform the world into the image and likeness of Christ Jesus; to reveal Christ’s Kingdom, Power and Glory to all Nations, to set at liberty all people from the oppressions of the devil, and to restore people to their original God-designed destinies to the glory and praise of our Lord Jesus (Luke 4:18-19); by the preaching and teaching of the revelation of the Bible, effectual fervent prayer, worship in spirit and in truth, the manifestation of power and the reality of the Holy Spirit.

TPMI (HOGFAN) exist to reach out for the lost at all cost with the love of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, and the Life of His Mercy and Grace (Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 4:15-16); to bring Light where there is darkness, Hope to the hopeless, and Life to the dying soul; and to make real God’s glorious presence, power and glory in healing and in deliverance.

Our weekly Grace Life services are designed divinely and prophetically to bring a total liberation and a divine transformation and restoration to all Nations.

Please click below to read more about our Weekly Grace Life Church Services

Grace Life Prayer Touch Line

(Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm)

GRACE LIFE PRAYER TOUCH LINE is an hour of God’s mighty arm stretch intervention through prayer, counselling, Healing and deliverance in the lives of folks who are emotionally, physically and spiritually challenged and buffeted with sickness and depression. It is a fellowship where the brokenhearted is healed, the captives and the oppressed is set free from all bondage and oppressions of the devil in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of the Loving, Merciful, and Gracious God. Grace Life Prayer Touch Line starts at 9:00 am on the dot, to 2:00 pm on every Wednesday. “Grace Life Prayer Touch Line” is based on booking, registration and appointment. Booking and registration is on Thursday and ends on Saturday. All people booked on terms and conditions of registration will receive a call or SMS or email from Daniel Kofi Appiah Ministries / Trinity Power Ministry International (House of God for all Nations), CMG, to confirm their appointment to attend the “Grace Life Prayer Touch Line.”


In Jeremiah 33:6, the Lord said: “I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Jesus has promised to deliver us from all oppressions of the devil (Galatians 1:3-5); to give our souls total rest, and to heal us from all affliction. Healing and deliverance is God’s business and interest endorsed in the resurrection power and settled in Heaven for the Church.


God wants all to go well with us, meaning that He desires for our lives, families, work, plan and services for Him to go according to His purposes and direction. For this reason, God’s blessing and provision—made available through the life and personal sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ—are provided to meet both physical and spiritual needs

Grace Redemption and Dominion Hour

(Time: 4:40 pm – 10:30 pm)

Grace Redemption and Dominion Hour is a prophetic-word encounter and miracle service ordained with grace to set the captive free. This service is full of Faith and Fireworks, the reality of the Holy Spirit and the demonstration of power through the teaching of the true and living word of God, effectual fervent prayer, worship and the prophetic. It is the desire and interest of God that His children will obtain total freedom and relief from all oppressions of the devil; live in good health (1 John 3), and in abundance Grace of Life, Peace, and Prosperity; because the Lord is good and His love for us is both unfailing and unconditional. His goodness and mercies are ever sure, and new every morning, and His faithfulness is great to all those who earnestly and diligently seek Him, and require of necessity His face.

Jesus Christ has promised to deliver us from all oppressions of the devil (Galatians 1:3-5); to give us total rest, and to heal us from all affliction. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” But Jesus came that all may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10). “For this purpose the Son of God “Jesus Christ” was manifested, to destroy the works of the devil against our lives.” (1John 3:8). Healing and deliverance is God’s business and interest endorsed in the resurrection power, and settled in Heaven for the Church. Jesus paid the price for our release and relief from sin and its punishment (Matthew 20:28; 1 Timothy 2:6). His death was in exchange for our
death, weakness and failures. Therefore the Scripture exhort us to “Come boldly to the very throne of God [Presence of God] and stay there to receive His mercy and to find grace to help us in our time of need.” TLB

Jehovah Change Life (JCL) Worship Parade

(Time: 7:40 am – 4:00 pm)


Jehovah Change Life (JCL) Worship Parade is a service identified with revival, healing, and the prophetic through the ministration of spiritual and power-filed songs of praised and grace by the servant of God Shepherd Daniel Kofi Appiah, which brings a supernatural empowerment and life transformation. The subject of worship is one of the most important of all Bible themes. It is also one of the most neglected. To fail to practice pure spiritual worship is to forego a vital aspect of our ultimate calling in Christ. The primary calling of the New Testament Christians is the worship of God, and this can also be expressed through singing. It is clear that Music is vitally integral to the praise and worship
to God. This is portrayed all through the Bible. And so it is today. From Psalms to Revelation, the Bible encourages us to “sing a new song to the Lord” (Psalm 96:1; 144:9; Isaiah 42:10; Revelation 5:9; 14:3). Psalm 40:3 says, “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” A new song is one that arises from the spirit of a person whose heart overflows with adoration for God. Paul’s instruction to the Ephesians about music is preceded by the command to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). When we are filled with the Spirit, then psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are the natural expression of
our hearts. A Spirit-filled person is a singing person. One clear indication that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit is a natural desire to sing and praise God. Musical ability has little to do with it. Scripture is filled with music, and God delights when we use what He created to worship Him (Deuteronomy 31:19; Psalm 33:2; 149:3). Music has always played an important role in the worship of God. Music finds its highest purpose when used as a tool to extoll the greatness of God. It can console, encourage, teach, and even admonish those who are away from God. Music is a biblical way of expressing our worship
of the Lord. Spiritual music gives voice to our joy and adoration unlike anything else. Whether a psalm or a hymn or a spiritual song, the purpose of music is to glorify God, and He wants us to use this gifts as a means of worshiping Him.

Fruit of the Spirit Service

(Time: 7:40 am – 4:00 pm

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT SERVICE is an Overflowing Grace and Fruitful Life Service, where lives are touched and transformed with Glory (the Goodness of God) and with joy unspeakable by Mercy and Grace, through the preaching and teaching of the revelation of the Gospel of Christ Jesus; effectual fervent prayer, worship, and the prophetic. Fruit of the Spirit Service is acknowledge with a great manifestation of God’s power and greater supernatural works through the preaching and teaching of the word of God, where Glory of the Lord is manifested.

THE GLORY OF GOD LIES IN HIS GOODNESS.” Moses, a great prophet in the Old Testament time was a man who saw and witness much the Glory of the Lord, but yet, at a certain time in his encounter with God, he asked God to show him His Glory. “And Moses said, I beseech you, show me your glory.” “And God said, I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim My name, The Lord, before you; for I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy and loving kindness on whom I will show mercy and loving kindness”. (Exodus 33:18-19). The question is: What kind of Glory did Moses asked God to show him? The Glory Moses demanded from God to see was not any visible lustre, splendour, and brightness, as a symbol of the divine Presence, that he had seen before Exodus 16:7, nor the glorious essence of God which is invisible and cannot be seen, and of which Moses could not be ignorant; nor the glory of the heavenly state, which also he must know he could not see until he came thither; but what Moses asked to see was a visible glorious representation of God, such as he had never seen, though he had been with Him so long on the mount in the c